BIF Supports Exhumation of Srila
Prabhupada |

In reply to an earlier vicious attack against the IRM (ISKCON Revival
Movement) by the BIF(Bhaktivedanta Investigation Force, consisting of
Mandapa Das, Jitarati Das, Kamsahanta Das, Syamasundara Das and Sakshi
Gopal Das), I had stated that the poison investigation could:
“Be proven at the risk of disturbing Srila Prabhupada’s
Samadhi (sacred burial place) to carry out an autopsy. An act
most of his disciples would find completely unacceptable.”
(Poison Theorists Attack IRM, 11th March, 2005) |
1) In response to the above statement, BIF have not made any attempt
to challenge that such a risk exists, or even that they find such a
possibility of exhumation unacceptable. On the contrary they say that
such a risk exists:
“An exhumation is not the prerogative of claimants, it is
ordered by the judiciary based on evidence which demands
conclusion. [...]Fourthly, the liability of exhumation may never
arise unless evidence is solid, and where suspects persist in
(BIF Letter, 11/4/2005) |
Here they accept that the Judiciary can order an exhumation if solid
evidence demands it (and the suspects continue to deny their involvement
as they do and have always done).
2) BIF already accept as FACT that such solid evidence which would
result in exhumation, exists:
“Tamala Krishna Goswami. [...] Now marked as a suspect in
the poisoning of his benefactor, and the subsequent splintering
of his holy family. A murder most foul. [...] His Divine
Grace was poisoned. Nobody should doubt it. His assassins
acted in premeditation and in full knowledge of all the facts
needed to bring about an end.”
(‘Judge For Yourself’, Pages 152,154, BIF, 2003) |
Their use of the words ‘murder’ and ‘assassins’ makes it clear that
BIF has already decided that a murder by poisoning took place - ”Nobody
should doubt it”. Hence in BIF’s estimation, murder by poisoning is
already a fact and therefore an investigation should result in
exhumation, since BIF believe that the solid evidence which leads to
exhumation does exist – it simply needs to be discovered – hence their
call for an investigation. And BIF must accept that such evidence can be
discovered, otherwise calling for a poison investigation to discover
evidence which does not exist or cannot be discovered, would be futile.
3) Though in BIF’s judgment, the risk of exhumation is great, BIF state
that such a risk is acceptable in the cause of ‘truth’:
“In any case, a government investigation should be carried
out to establish the truth. Truth is above all else.”
(BIF Letter, April 11th) |
By stating that a truth-seeking investigation, which they accepted in
point 1 runs the risk of exhumation, must be carried out because truth
is “above all else”, BIF are clearly stating that any resulting
exhumation is also acceptable, since ALL other considerations are
superseded (‘above ALL else’).
4) And BIF alone are pushing to ensure that such an exhumation-risk
investigation takes place, by having filed a writ petition in the Indian
courts demanding the judiciary to authorise such an investigation.
Thus in summary:
BIF alone have taken steps that can result in the exhumation of Srila
BIF accepts that such an exhumation is acceptable.
BIF indeed considers such an exhumation high likely.
(for their position is that solid evidence which calls for exhumation
does exist. Indeed they are trying to force an investigation just so
that such evidence which can lead to exhumation comes to light, and thus
according to their belief the only way exhumation can be avoided is if
30 years later suspects will suddenly confess, making exhumation
Whether they will succeed in getting the court to act, or whether such
solid evidence does really exist is another matter. But BIF definitely
believe such evidence exists, and thus are actively pushing for an
investigation which in their estimation runs a very high risk of
exhumation, because they state it is permissible for Srila Prabhupada’s
body be dug up in the name of truth. Hence BIF actively support the
exhumation of Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental body.
Your servant, Yaduraja Das |