Srila Prabhupada’s Will:
Madhusudana’s second reply to Locanananda
By Madhusudana das, IRM New York

15th December 2001
Dear Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Thank you for your letter, prabhu. It’s amazing the twists and turns you
have made in your theories to try and vainly hold onto the idea that you
can somehow become a Guru. Let us review:
You started of
by saying that the phrase 'an initiated disciple' was acceptable for
Srila Prabhupada's will, even though it does not appear in the
actual signed written version. This would imply that the will was
valid for many future generations since the need for those initiated
other than by Srila Prabhupada would only come into after the
current generation had passed. To also not accept the final written
word as supreme and final in all respects is also a violation of the
principle of arsha prayoga, even though you had always
previously been a champion of this principle.
Having had the
'an' over 'my' arguments defeated you
switched tack and instead put forward the argument that we need to
understand the purpose of the will, and that this does not include
the issue of initiations.
Having now been
shown clearly how the issue of initiations is fully supported by the
purposes of the will, you have now come up with your most bizzare
theory to date. Namely that a Will can only be valid for 1
generation. The IRM had the Will checked right at the outset by
lawyers in India and there is no such principle in Indian estate
law. Please forward the appropriate statute. I would be very
interested to see this legal principle that apparently all the
lawyers have missed. For your information in India, and in
particular where institutions are concerned, Wills are commonly made
with provisions that affect the complete life-time of the
institution, not just one generation. And Srila Prabhupada's Will is
not for all time anyway. It is for the life-time of ISKCON, which at
the most can be for a further 9500 years. And as already stated,
even if your point was correct, then it completely contradicts your
'an initiated disciple' theory, since if a Will was only made
for one generation, then there would be no need to use a phrase that
would only become relevant after one generation; until then 'my
disciples' would have sufficed.
So from every
angle, whether it be from trying to alter the final wording of the Will,
the purpose of the Will, or Estate law, your attempts at avoiding the
final written and signed words of the acarya have been defeated.
And as for your speculations over the May 28th tape, they were already
defeated by Adri in the e-mail discussion you had with him over a year
ago, and from which you had to withdraw. We can get onto that next once
you have accepted defeat over your speculations regarding Srila
Prabhupada's Will.
Even Madhudvisa has
rejected your GBC philosophy in all respects, that's how faulty it is!
Thank you,
Your servant
Madhusudana das