Back To Prabhupada, Issue 20, Summer 2008, Quotes, Notes & News
The Temple President of one of the largest ISKCON temples in the world, the showpiece temple in Durban, South Africa, recently stated:
“ISKCON does not validate the publishers of the Back to Prabhupada (BTP), magazine and the contents therein. These publishers are part of the ritvik group. […] The difference between the ritviks and ISKCON is that the ritviks want Srila Prabhupada alone in the centre, but ISKCON want Srila Prabhupada with his followers in the centre.”
(Svarupa Damodara Das, President, ISKCON Chatsworth, South Africa, Letter of April 13th, 2008)
This is a very revealing admission. We have absolutely no desire to try to be in the centre ourselves with Srila Prabhupada. Why should we? ISKCON is Srila Prabhupada’s Society, of which he is the sole founder and acarya (Guru). He has written every single word that constitutes its teachings, and given all its rules, regulations, etc. In sum, who else can be in the centre apart from Srila Prabhupada? This desire to be in the centre is what is keeping us in the material world to begin with, and therefore to put only Srila Prabhupada in the centre will help us on our path back to Godhead.
Hence, even ISKCON's leaders are accepting the essential difference between the IRM and the current ISKCON: IRM wants to keep only Srila Prabhupada in the centre of his own society (duh!), whilst ISKCON can't bear this, having to "only" be humble unsung servants, and thus want to make sure that they also want to make sure that they also get a "piece of the action". And hence they have concocted a successor guru hoax, which as our recent second Special Issue documented, even ISKCON accepts is not authorised, to make sure they also get a seat in the centre alongside Srila Prabhupada.
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