Back To Prabhupada, Issue 22, Winter 2008/9, Quotes, Notes & News
The defeat of "tyranny in the realm of thought" continues with the following exposes:
1) HH Kadamba Kanana Swami:
Kadamba Kanana Swami responds to the growth of the IRM in the Czech Republic via a lecture he gave in Prague. Yet, as we detail, in virtually every sentence he speaks he makes an error. This demonstrates that he obviously cannot be a self-realised spiritual master! Please visit here.
2) ISKCON Germany:
Following not far behind in the "error in every sentence" stakes is an attack on the IRM made by the secretary of ISKCON Germany concerned by the IRM's growing influence over there. Please visit here.
3) Hungarian special:
Rattled by the launch of the IRM in Hungary, His Holiness Sivarama Swami gave a series of podcasts to address the situation. Please visit here.