Back To Prabhupada, Issue 37, Autumn 2012
elcome to Issue 37 of Back To Prabhupada (BTP). This issue's feature article, which is on the next page, presents a fundamental paradigm shift which completely revolutionises the dispute between ISKCON's current GBC (Governing Body Commission) and the IRM.
We have previously noted that attacks on BTP invariably appear to focus on the mood and tone of BTP - that it is "offensive", "negative" and so on. These criticisms are offered due to the inability to rebut the actual content of BTP. For, when one is unable to find any fault in what BTP actually states, what else can one do but take shelter in nebulous and vague accusations regarding BTP's "style"? An example of this came from a Prabhupada disciple who writes frequently in support of ISKCON's guru hoax, and whose objection to the IRM's writings was that I am a "logic-chopper". This refers to the "chopping technique", whereby one is accused of mercilessly chopping down opposing arguments through using logic in an uncompromising manner. Such a complaint about "chopping" is not new:
"No compromise - Ramakrishna, avataras, yogis, everyone was enemy to Guru Maharaja - he never compromised. Some God-brothers complained that this preaching was chopping technique and it would not be successful. But we have seen that those who criticized, they fell down. For my part I have taken up the policy of my Guru Maharaja - no compromise."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, 27/7/1973)
So, Srila Prabhupada makes it clear that not only did his Guru Maharaja employ the "chopping technique", but that he also has taken up the same "no-compromise chopping technique". Therefore, to be accused of following Srila Prabhupada in this manner is actually the greatest compliment! For, if arguments are false, they must be "chopped" down, using logic, reason, philosophy and Srila Prabhupada's teachings, without compromise. And if such arguments are not false, then they cannot in any case be chopped down, and such a "chopping technique" accusation is not relevant. It is telling that the main objection that can be made against the IRM revolves around the manner in which its arguments are successful and potent, rather than the manner in which they are false.
A related accusation is that such a "chopping technique" betrays a lack of compassion. In response we can point to the countless appreciations we have printed in BTP from devotees for having had their spiritual lives saved through the IRM's work. Further, our devotees have received death threats and physical violence while attempting to distribute BTP. For examples, view the video clips on our homepage, or this death threat printed in BTP, Issue 5.
Thus, they are doing what others are not, at great personal risk to themselves, with no prospect of getting disciples, followers, donations or personal glory. Beatings and abuse are usually the only "rewards" on offer. To fly in to appreciative and welcoming audiences, like ISKCON gurus do, is easy. But, to go amongst those who, due to ignorance, are extremely hostile, purely to try to help them by making them aware of Srila Prabhupada's orders and thereby avoid being deviated, is true compassion.
It is also claimed that such a "chopping technique" is used to "attack" ISKCON's leaders. Again, what actually matters is whether or not what we state is correct. If it is correct, then we are not attacking anyone, but merely correcting, which is a positive and welcome activity. For example, we reported in BTP 33 how ISKCON guru HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami - in a reversal of his previous complaint about BTP's criticism of ISKCON's deviations - has himself started repeating the same criticisms (please see "ISKCON guru follows BTP's lead"). Thus, with more of ISKCON's leaders aligning themselves with BTP's message - at least in word, if not deed - our "chopping technique" is making progress in correcting deviations.
Please feel free to write to me at the following email address: irm@iskconirm.com.
Thank you and Hare Krsna.
In Srila Prabhupada's service,
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