Back To Prabhupada, Issue 67, Vol 3, 2020, Editorial
Welcome to Issue 67 of Back To Prabhupada (BTP).
We have noted that a common argument to try to shut down the IRM's preaching is to claim that we are engaging in behaviour that is very damaging spiritually, because we supposedly commit vaisnava-aparadha, or offenses. For example, in BTP 22 ("Does BTP Vilify Sadhus?") we documented GBC voted-in guru HH Jayadvaita Swami boldly claiming that BTP only publishes "sadhu-ninda" or offenses to the exalted Vaisnavas.
1) These arguments that the commission of vaisnava-aparadha seriously impedes one's spiritual life are correct. Srila Prabhupada explains:
"An animal is used to refer to offenses unto the pure devotee of the Lord, which is called Vaishnava Aparadh. This offense unto the pure devotee is compared to a mad elephant [...] if there is any offense unto the feet of the pure devotee, it creates havoc in the matter of advancing in devotional service. [...] one has to take care, while discharging devotional service, not to commit any offense to the pure devotees. If one is cautious in the matter of not committing offenses unto the pure devotees, then the plant of devotional service is properly protected. [...] The first offense is to blaspheme great devotees [...] Lord Krishna cannot tolerate such offenses as to decry a pure devotee who is spreading His Holy Name all over the world."
(Teachings of Lord Caitanya, emphases added)
Srila Prabhupada explains not only what vaisnava-aparadha is but also refers to the ten offenses against the chanting of the Holy Name, referring to the first offense of blaspheming those who spread the Holy Name of the Lord.
2) Three things stand out in Srila Prabhupada's explanation:
a) Srila Prabhupada refers to vaisnava-aparadha specifically in terms of offending the "pure devotee". He makes this point repeatedly.
b) Even when referring to blaspheming those who spread the Holy Name, he again refers specifically to "great devotees" and a "pure devotee".
c) In regards to those who spread the Holy Name, though Srila Prabhupada is stating a principle, we can also note he is referring to himself, since it is only he who is responsible for "spreading the Holy Name all over the world".
3) Therefore, we should be focused primarily on making sure that we are not offending the pure devotee, which is Srila Prabhupada. Yet, such teachings warning us against committing vaisnava-aparadha are usually wielded like an axe in ISKCON to warn those such as the IRM to not offend ISKCON's leaders! Whereas, it is the IRM itself which is actually warning against offending Srila Prabhupada. Which brings us to the key point that the very IRM activity which is seen as unnecessary and offensive – our critically analysing the actions and teachings of ISKCON's leadership, what JAS claims is "sadhu-ninda" – is the very activity that is necessary to ensure we are not offending Srila Prabhupada. Because if what we document, such as –
a) Srila Prabhupada's position being usurped;
b) Deviation in the name of Srila Prabhupada;
c) Using Srila Prabhupada's name and teachings for self-aggrandisement in the form of things such as commercialisation, etc.;
– and so on, is correct, then it would mean that Srila Prabhupada is being offended big time.
4) It therefore behooves those in ISKCON to examine what we are saying and be 100% certain that we are not correct. ISKCON members are concerned that if they read our writings then they may be participating in offending ISKCON's leadership. But they should actually be more concerned that if they do not read our writings, they could already be offending Srila Prabhupada and just not know it! Thus, what is seen as being "critical" and "negative" activity by the IRM is actually essential. Hence, we especially invite those who disagree with us to carefully examine what we are saying – and they'd better hope we are wrong, and that they are not offenders!
Thank you and Hare Krsna.
In Srila Prabhupada's service,
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