Back To Prabhupada, Issue 68, Vol 1, 2021, Interactive
"Hare Krsna,
I am a new devotee living in France. I read a lot of articles on your website (www.iskconirm.com). Thank you very much for all your nice articles. I decided I will not go to ISKCON temples. Prabhupada is my eternal spiritual master and no one else. I don't care if I have to stay alone in my room. If I have the books of His Divine Grace then everything is perfect. Thank you very much for your love for truth. I would love to preach Krishna consciousness to everyone.
I already distributed books of Srila Prabhupada, but it is very strange... Prabhupada talks about ISKCON in his Divine Books, and he says that it is wonderful, he speaks about the nice program that is being followed in every temple, etc. But now in 2020, if people write "ISKCON" on the internet they find so many horrible things or bogus gurus. I am very very enthusiastic to do something.
Your servant,"
- Jad El-Halabi, St. Etienne, France
1) Srila Prabhupada is describing the bona fide ISKCON which he founded. This movement accepted him as its only guru and authority, and followed his orders.
2) Unfortunately, after Srila Prabhupada's physical departure, the movement adopted a completely different course, and beginning with replacing Srila Prabhupada as ISKCON's diksa guru with numerous other gurus, it became a completely different movement. In the following two articles, we present just a very brief summary of how the current movement calling itself "ISKCON" is entirely different from the ISKCON movement Srila Prabhupada established:
ISKCON's New Mission
Documenting the New Sahajiya Movement
3) You raise a very important point when you state:
"Prabhupada talks about ISKCON in his Divine Books, and he says that it is wonderful, he speaks about the nice program that is being followed in every temple, etc."
This means that people will read the books and be directed to join the current ISKCON movement which is deviating in his name. Therefore, simply distributing Srila Prabhupada's books without also informing devotees about the reality of the current movement masquerading as ISKCON will lead devotees to not only get misled, but also lose faith in Srila Prabhupada and his books, since it is supposedly he who after all is promoting this false deviated movement in his books.
The IRM has taken up this task of making the reality of the current ISKCON known to the devotees so that they will not get misled.
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