Only Demons?


Back To Prabhupada, Issue 72, Vol 1, 2022, Interactive

- Sudar
sana Dasa Vanacari, Adelaide, Australia

Editor replies:

This comment refers to why BTP's mission of preaching the truth about Srila Prabhupada cannot allegedly succeed, because ISKCON's leaders are supposedly "demons" and thus cannot be "reformed". However:

1) Not everyone connected with ISKCON is an unreformable demon, as proven by the fact that many who were following the guru hoax previously are now following only Srila Prabhupada due to the IRM's preaching. This is shown by the thousands of letters we have received from such devotees attesting to this, many of which we have printed in BTP itself!

2) We have also documented how even ISKCON's leaders (the supposed "demons") are gradually being influenced by BTP's arguments, whether they like it or not! (See for example page 5.)

3) However, even if nobody was reformable, it is still our duty to defend Srila Prabhupada against the horrendous guru hoax that is going on in his name, for this is how Srila Prabhupada said we should glorify him:

"You can eulogize your Guru Maharaja, but you have to learn it and face the public and be strong to defend yourself. That is success. Not by praising your Guru Maharaja. You'll praise your Guru Maharaja. That is not very difficult. But be victorious to the opposing elements. Then you will praise your Guru Maharaja nicely. At home, you can praise your Guru Maharaja, and Guru Maharaja be satisfied, "Oh, my disciples are praising me." That is not very... That is good, respectful. That is the qualification. But you have to fight. Then your Guru Maharaja will be glorified."
(Srila Prabhupada, Room Conversation, 26/12/75, all emphases added in Interactive)

And, in doing so, at least the chance is there for the rare, sincere soul to discover the truth and avoid being cheated out of their spiritual life, now or in the future.


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