Back To Prabhupada, Issue 73, Vol. 2, 2022
Welcome to Issue 73 of Back To Prabhupada (BTP).
During a discussion on the "rtvik issue" (the movement to restore Srila Prabhupada to his original position as ISKCON's diksa guru) between GBC Strategic Planning Team members Pancharatna Dasa ("PRD") and Kaunteya Dasa ("KTD"), amazement was expressed at how anyone could still believe that Srila Prabhupada remains ISKCON's diksa guru. Thus, KTD stated (all quotes in shaded boxes are from this discussion held on 13/12/21):
"frankly, I personally find this surprising that there are still people in the world, there are still pockets of devotees in the world that somehow, they still believe in this."
However, the reasons for such amazement are even more amazing, being based on fantasy.
1) KTD states that, when referring to "rtviks" who would be appointed to initiate on his behalf in India, Srila Prabhupada remarks, "I am in India". KTD claims this remark (the correct quote is actually "India I am here" - Room Conversation, 7/7/77) proves:
"they were talking about a time when Srila Prabhupada was present. We are not talking about something forever or after he left."
Yes, we are talking about a time when Srila Prabhupada was physically present. Because the rtvik system was to start operating almost immediately just 2 days after this "India I am here" comment by Srila Prabhupada, whilst he was physically present. But, it has never been disputed that the rtvik system was to begin in Srila Prabhupada's physical presence. The issue is was the system to be terminated at the end of Srila Prabhupada's physical presence? Thus, the "India I am here" quote mentioned by KTD only tells us when the system was to start. It does not tell us when it was to end. Thus, Srila Prabhupada referring to when the rtvik system was to begin has zero relevance to when it was to be terminated. For that, we would need to seek out Srila Prabhupada's instructions referring to the system's termination. But there exists no such termination instruction, which means it was not to be terminated.
2) PRD states the GBC can't accept that Srila Prabhupada remains ISKCON's diksa guru because:
"how is it possible that Srila Prabhupada would nullify everything that he has said up to that point about his disciples initiating their own disciples."
Only, Srila Prabhupada has not stated that his disciples will initiate their own disciples. Please note the 3 underlined words and you will see that there is no order from Srila Prabhupada which includes those 3 elements. Hence, there is nothing, not "everything", that Srila Prabhupada would have to "nullify" if he continued to remain ISKCON's diksa guru.
3) Anyone who reads BTP will note that ISKCON leaders rarely quote us directly, relying instead on made-up "straw-man" arguments regarding what we supposedly state. Thus, they are not even fully aware of what our position actually is. And the previous point shows how ISKCON's leaders are not even properly aware of the facts regarding their own arguments that they present. Whereas, as our BTP articles show, when we reference the other side's arguments, we always quote ISKCON leaders verbatim and respond to exactly what they state. Hence, whilst we are fully acquainted with both sides of the argument, the other side is not fully acquainted with either side of the argument!
Therefore, it is not surprising that ISKCON leaders may find it "surprising" that there are many devotees who accept that Srila Prabhupada remains ISKCON's diksa guru, when ISKCON leaders' understanding of the situation is based on fantasy rather than facts. Those who live in fantasy will always find reality surprising. In BTP 17 (see "GBC Bombshell: ‘We have no guru order'"), we documented the admission that the ISKCON guru system is based on mind reading rather than orders from Srila Prabhupada. And, hence, just like the guru hoax supporters' view of our position, BTP readers also find it "surprising" that "there are still people in the world, that somehow they still believe in this" (the guru hoax). The difference, however, is that only we are living in reality.
Thank you and Hare Krsna.
In Srila Prabhupada's service,
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