Competing With Srila Prabhupada's Books |
Summer 2004
Another manifestation of the imitation of Srila Prabhupada is trying to
surpass Srila Prabhupada's literary legacy by publishing books on
Krishna's pastimes. Here is a message from H.H. Sivarama Swami's servant
that shows how desperate Maharaja is to sell copies of his own "Krishna
Guru maharaja has suggested that i seek
your help in mobilising some pandavas to help with selling the
last remaining copies of na paraye 'ham. i think all together
there are 1000 copies.
(30/5/2003, 18:20:36 +0100) |
Sivarama Swami's book, Na paraye ham, is
in fact a work of fiction, which he openly admits in the book:
"The first poetic license, therefore,
was to induce the fictional characters Syamalata and Navasakhi.
As a consequence of this decision, these literary characters
interact with real historical persons such us Radha and Krsna."
(Sivarama Swami, Na paraye'ham, p.19) |
"Disclaimer: 'One final note. I must
reiterate that Syamalata, her story, and her interaction with
Sri Radha and other residents of Vraja, is a literary device."
(Sivarama Swami, Na paraye'ham, p.29) |
Yet we know that Srila Prabhupada has repeatedly
condemned the idea of imposing one's imagination on the sacred, pure and
transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Lord Krishna and His eternal
confidential associates. Here are just two examples:
"One who follows his imaginations about
the Supreme Personality of Godhead is condemned."
(Srimad Bhagavatam, 10.3.32, purport)
"The wonderful characteristics of the gopis are beyond
(Sri Caitanya caritamrta Adi Lila, 3.111, purport)
Sivarama Swami also states that his work of
fiction is more readable than Srila Prabhupada's books!
"The story line is meant to generate a
more readable literature. Devotees, especially in modern times,
are less inclined to read straight philosophy than an attractive
story that illustrates points of philosophy. If by reading the
latter they become versed in the principles of Krsna tattva,
surely our purpose in spreading Krsna consciousness is served."
(Sivarama Swami, Na paraye'ham p.20) |
But what does Srila Prabhupada's magnum opus the
multi volume Srimad Bhagavatam contain, if not the most highly
attractive stories about Krishna, His incarnations and His confidential
associates all of which are historical narrations, not fiction, and all
of which are replete with philosophy as well?
Why did Srila Prabhupada specifically publish his wonderful book,
Krishna: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, if not to wean the
common man AWAY from fiction, and to attract him to the all blissful
pastimes of Lord Krishna?:
"This book Krsna is another presentation
to help the Krsna consciousness movement in the Western world. [...]
People love to read various kinds of fiction to spend their time and
energy. Now this tendency can be directed to Krsna. [...]
We therefore request everyone to take advantage of this great
transcendental literature. One will find that by reading one page
after another, an immense treasure of knowledge in art, science,
literature, philosophy and religion will be revealed, and
ultimately, by reading this one book, Krsna, love of Godhead will
(Krishna: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Preface, His Divine
Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)
What need is there of anything else?"