gurus losing faith in themselves
Autumn 2006
One of ISKCON's GBC voted-in gurus, HH Sivarama Swami (SRS), states:
"But when new people are brought to the
Krishna consciousness movement and they are introduced to Srila
Prabhupada, Krishna our teachings and way of life, then they
should be able to do so and become familiar with all of these
things without necessarily being guided to a particular
spiritual master who may happen to be the preacher's spiritual
master or who may be the spiritual master of most of the
devotees in that temple."
(SRS, "GBC resolutions on the worship of guru", podcast July
21st, 2006) |
Here SRS states that new devotees should be
allowed to be "introduced to Srila Prabhupada", without the burden of
"being guided to a particular spiritual master" - like himself, perhaps!
This is, in fact, a tacit admission that being guided to one of ISKCON's
80 unauthorised spiritual masters will block the way to Srila
Prabhupada. After all, if one can approach Srila Prabhupada without
"necessarily being guided to a particular spiritual master", then WHY
should one approach any other personality at all?! SRS then reveals his
lack of faith in the authenticity of ISKCON's gurus as spiritual masters
who can be glorified to the whole world:
"and therefore devotees' enthusiasm and
worship for their spiritual master should be kept more or less
to themselves in the public domain of ISKCON, or it should be
kept amongst svajatiya Godbrothers and Godsisters, and in
this case I'm talking about those who are initiated by the same
spiritual master, and it should not be imposed on others."
(SRS, "GBC resolutions on the worship of guru", podcast July
21st, 2006) |
This idea of restricting the worship and
glorification of a bona fide spiritual master to a limited circle is
completely bogus, and simply exposes the fact that such gurus are not
bona fide; for Srila Prabhupada states:
"The bona fide spiritual master who
accepts disciples from all over the world is also worshiped all over
the world because of his qualities. Lokanam asau pujyo yatha
harih: the people of the world worship him just as they worship
the Supreme Personality of Godhead."
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 24.330 purport)
Further, SRS adds:
"The other aspect of this making
propaganda for your spiritual master is that when devotees,
spiritual masters, I hate to use the word, I don't like it so
much I would rather prefer sannyasis, senior vaisnavas,
GBCs; when they are preaching in public they should be
advertised, but such advertisement is necessary but not on the
basis of their being gurus, but on the basis of their actual
service in the society such as a sannyasi, a grihastha
etc. This is the rule you are referring to, Bill."
(SRS, "GBC resolutions on the worship of guru", podcast July
21st, 2006) |
Here SRS again reveals a lack of faith in
propounding the glories of ISKCON's gurus. He hates to use the word
"spiritual master" when referring to his GBC-elected guru
Godbrothers, and any advertising of their preaching should not refer to
them as "gurus". With the horrendous track record amongst
ISKCON's gurus, who can blame him? We can, of course, completely concur
with SRS's sentiment, since none of the GBC gurus were authorised by
Srila Prabhupada to be gurus in the first place. And that includes SRS
himself. When ISKCON's gurus are themselves not displaying full faith
in broadcasting their glories openly to the public, why should anyone
else have faith in them?