Winter 2004/5

In our article on Satsvarupa das (BTP 4) we made the point that the great ISKCON Guru hoax is disastrous both for the Guru and his poor disciples, since they waste their entire lives worshipping a conditioned soul, rather than the genuinely self-realised acarya, Srila Prabhupada.
Recently Prthu Das, one of the 80 voted-in Guru hoaxers, stepped down as an ISKCON Guru, admitting:

"I have been failing to follow our spiritual principles for a good while."
(Resignation Letter, Prithu Das, October 21st, 2004)

According to Srila Prabhupada, one who does not follow the regulative principles of spiritual life is not even considered human:

"The human life is meant for regulative principles. Just like we are insisting our students only for regulative principles just to make them real human life. No regulative principle means animal life. Animal life."
(Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation, June 11th 1974 )

The fact that someone would allow himself to be worshipped by his disciples as being saksad-hari, "as good as God", for many years, knowing full well that he was not even acting on the level of a human being, exposes the depraved hypocrisy of ISKCON's deviant Guru system. It is also apparent that the motive for Prithu finally admitting his less than human status, despite posturing as the current representative of an infallible chain of mahabhagavatas (topmost devotees), was not in any way rooted in a concern for the welfare of his disciples. As Prithu writes in his resignation letter:

"I have been going through a period of massive depressions and my experience has been, and at times still is, a nightmare of intense unhappiness, utter hopelessness, coupled with feeling of abandonment and helplessness. (...) For me to get to a better place it is clear that I need first of all to be honest with myself and with all of you. Further, I need to resign from my service of initiating guru and discontinue guiding my disciples in that capacity."
(Resignation Letter, Prithu Das, October 21st, 2004)

Just as Satsvarupa only admitted his illicit affair after he had been outed on the internet, so Prithu only stood down because he felt unhappy. So never mind where his disciples were going to end up in their next lives, Prithu's main concern was to get himself "to a better place" so he did not feel so miserable.
It seems not to occur to Prithu, or other Guru hoaxers like him, just what damage they inflict on all those they mislead. Indeed, one wonders just what sort of person could cheat others so determinedly and persistently over so many years without any shred of concern, other than his own personal happiness.
It would appear that the unauthorised acceptance of worship bewilders the mind of a conditioned soul, making him a danger to everyone around him.
Prithu has abused Srila Prabhupada by stealing his rightful disciples for himself, and he has abused his disciples by misdirecting them from exclusive worship to Srila Prabhupada.
What a nightmare. After all this you would think Prithu might have learned something? Sudama Das put the following question to him in a recent email exchange:

Sudama: So why not now come and join the IRM and help us re-instate Srila Prabhupada as the diksa guru for ISKCON, instead of continuing to help your guru godbrothers to live the lie?

Prithu: Well Sudama Prabhu, I love u, but that concept I am not really convinced about. Nor do I support taking a high profile as a spiritual master similar to Srila Prabhupada's and rather keep it simple. Very simple.
However that disciples of SP are not supposed to initiate (provided they are fit to do so) I can't believe, and so I suppose here we won't be able to agree.
(E-mail exchange, October 27th, 2004)


Whether the bogus Guru accepts "simple" or elaborate worship is of course irrelevant. He should not accept any worship due to Srila Prabhupada. Thus it is clear Prithu has learned nothing, and will be happily promoting the great Guru hoax for the foreseeable future. In this way he will ensure that the spiritual abuse of innocent people will continue unabated.