"They should
not be given any salary. That is very bad.
This is against principle" |

Winter 2005/6
In previous issues of BTP, we have quoted Gauri Das, the Temple
President of Bhaktivedanta Manor who has banned IRM devotees from taking
darshan of the Deities there,
that some ISKCON gurus, sannyasis and leaders are suspected
of amassing great wealth:
“Recently we had to
contribute $60,000 to the legal case in USA. When we discussed
sending the money many devotees who work very hard to raise it,
asked ‘what about Gurus, Sannyasis and leaders who have
accumulated gifted money, will they be contributing anything?’
And they were serious because there is talk about individuals
especially sannyasis and Gurus having amassed gifted
(Gauri Das, ‘Financial disclosures by ISKCON leaders’,
January 4th, 2004) |
8 years previously, ISKCON guru Jayadvaita Swami
had similarly confessed that some of his guru peers had indeed stolen
money from Srila Prabhupada’s movement:
ISKCON gurus have usurped and misused
money, and diverted other ISKCON resources for their own
personal prestige and sense gratification.
(‘Where the Ritvik People Are Right’, Jayadvaita Swami, 1996)
In BTP 2, we highlighted an example of a former
ISKCON guru, Harikesa, who following his exit from the movement acquired
a million dollar
luxury villa. However, the charge of personal acquisition of gifted
money is not confined only to ISKCON gurus and sannyasis, who by
definition are meant to be the most materially renounced members of
ISKCON. Some Temple Presidents and other ISKCON leaders (as admitted by
Gauri Das) are also suspected to be riding on this gravy train, drawing
salaries to finance their lifestyles from the large temple donations
given by the pious Hindu community. This practice of “salaried
brahmanas” is condemned and thus strictly forbidden by Srila
Prabhupada, as we see below:
The brahminical
principle |
“Kings like Maharaja Pariksit had their
council of advisers, and all the members of that council were either
great sages or brahmanas of the first order. They did not
accept any salary, nor had they any necessity for such salaries. The
state would get the best advice without expenditure.”
(Srimad-Bhagavatam, 1.16.1, purport)
“That is brahmana’s business. And
in that way, whatever the disciples bring, that is his income. No
salary, no contract, that “If you pay me hundred dollars or five
hundred dollars weekly, then I can teach you.” No. There is no such
contract. Teaching is free. It is the business of a brahmana to give
free education to everyone. “
(Srila Prabhupada Lecture, May 27th, 1972)
No salaries allowed in
“Why salary? Krsna’s servant. We are
eternal servant. That is the beauty of our institution. We have no
hired men. Unless one is sincere, why he’ll work?
(Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation, August 3rd, 1976)
“So here there is no question of salary.
Here the institution must be maintained, strictly following the
principles of Bhagavad-gita.”
(Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation, April 15th, 1977)
“Regarding the restaurant, why they
should get salary? There should be no salary. You are working
without salary, so why they should take. They are not very important
men. So after this month arrange for no one to get any salary there.
That will be nice.”
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, July 16th, 1975)
“…But the temple should not provide them
with salary to enjoy their life…But what is this? They are given
high salary. Because his service is essential--”All right, you take
apartment.”….You take prasadam. But why salary? Where is the
question of salary? Where is vairagya, renouncement? So in
all circumstances the salary process should be stopped. One who
wants salary, he can work outside…In Los Angeles it is very freely
going on. In the name of Vaisnavism they are drawing salary, living
comfortably, having sense enjoyment. This is not good, not at all.
So you all high officers, you think over it and do the needful”
(Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation, 28/4/77)
“So these things should be stopped, that they should live
comfortably with husband and wife, children, and take salary from
the... Besides that, in our BBT it is clearly written that “Fifty
percent for printing book, and fifty percent for...” So you cannot
violate this. Those who can give voluntary service, “Welcome.”
Otherwise we don’t require. At least they should not be given any
salary. That is very bad. This is against principle.”
(Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation, April 28th, 1977)
False brahmanas charge
fees |
“No, they are not brahmanas. Those
who give education in exchange for money—they are not brahmanas.
For instance, we are lecturing, educating people. We don’t say,
“Give us a salary.”..We are not asking money—”First of all pay the
fee; then you can come and learn Bhagavad-gita.” We never say
that...That is dog’s business.”
(Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation, April 28th, 1977)