Caru Swami's Last Secretary
Issues Death Threat |

Back To Prabhupada, Issue 5
Autumn 2004
Following the IRM sending out an e-mail inviting
devotees to request a copy of BTP 4, in which it is highlighted how in
this issue of BTP the GBC admits that its "final siddhanta"
position paper on its Guru system "stretched the truth" and contained
"lies", the French IRM office received the following death threat from
Bhakti Caru Swami's previous secretary, Candrasekhar Acarya:
----Original Message -----
From: "Candrasekhar Acarya (das) BCS" <Candrasekhar.Acarya.>
To: "IsKcon Revival Movement France"
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 6:26 PM
Subject: Fw: GBC Admits Lies, Concedes Defeat
(Mailing List Information, including unsubscription instructions
are located at the end of this message)
I wish you had put the unsubscription instructions at the
beginning of the message, you filthy poisonous snake. If I ever
see you, whoever you are, I'll beat you to
death with a stick. You are SO
envious and blind!! |
It is ironic that Candrasekhar Acarya calls the IRM "blind", since it is
HE who is behaving as a fanatical, brainwashed and blind follower of the
unauthorized Guru system in ISKCON. He cannot see that it was the GBC
itself, NOT the IRM, who claimed that the GBC's "final" position paper
was full of "lies".
This behaviour by a disciple is only in keeping with the tendency of
some ISKCON Gurus to respond to philosophical arguments with mindless
violence. It should therefore come as no surprise that it was other
disciples of the Guru of this disciple, Bhakti Caru Swami, who were
involved in a violent armed assault against the ISKCON IRM temple in
Calcutta (see the newspaper reports reproduced in BTP1). Indeed, this
same Bhakti Caru Swami pledged even MORE money and resources to launch a
SECOND attack on the IRM devotees as revealed in an email of 14th May,
2001 to the ISKCON Bureau:
"We have to remember that we are
fighting a battle against Kali for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and
if we consider ourselves to be leaders ... let us find out what
Dayaram Prabhu actually needs, man and money wise, and then try
to provide that to him."
(Bhakti Caru Swami, 14th May, 2001) |
It is quite clear that despite all its shows of
having "reformed" and supposedly left behind its violent past, THE CULT