and respect in ISKCON

Winter 2006/7
"As a spiritual
leader, I have to cultivate tolerance, respect and humility. "
(Gauri Das, Temple President, Bhaktivedanta Manor, Hindu
Forum news report, 14 July 2006) |
Is this the "tolerance and respect" Gauri
Das has in mind?
"The suspensions from
the Manor that you have received include that you can not attend
any functions or even drop your family in the car park."
(Gauri Das, Temple President, Bhaktivedanta Manor, letter to
IRM supporter, 12 December 2003) |
"Those who [...]
agree with the views and publications (of the IRM) are suspended
by the Manor Temple Council from visiting Bhaktivedanta Manor."
(Gauri Das, Temple President, Bhaktivedanta Manor, letter to
IRM supporter, 17 February 2005) |
If so, we would hate to see what Gauri Das behaving in an intolerant and
disrespectful manner would entail! |