Back To Prabhupada, Issue 23, Spring 2009, Quotes, Notes & News
In the last issue, we profiled how the spread of the IRM in the Czech Republic, Germany and Hungary (amongst other places) had caused various ISKCON leaders in these countries to take defensive action, leading to them being exposed speaking complete nonsense in the process (please see "An error in every sentence"). Now the growth of the IRM in Russia has caused one ISKCON devotee to complain about the IRM to his GBC representative, HH Bhakti Vijnana Goswami ("BVG"), that:
"The problem is they have written responses to all the ISKCON articles, and thus the final word is theirs […] many people are getting the impression that their theory is better reasoned and is closer to the truth […] bhaktas go to them. What is to be done?"
BVG's response, containing the usual gibberish, with an "error in every sentence", is that basically nothing can be done! See the reply here.
In addition, some years earlier HH Indradyumna Swami, fearing the imminent arrival of the IRM into Russia, had also decided to join the "error in every sentence" club, as the following exposé demonstrates.
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