The Book Changer: The Life and Teachings of His Holiness Jayadvaita Swami

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“If two persons are in argument the man, the one party, he becomes angry, that means he is defeated […] That means he is animal. […] Logic is meant for learned man, and uneducated man, they want to force”
– Srila Prabhupada, Interview, 9/7/75

The Final Order

Proves Srila Prabhupada is ISKCON’s initiating Guru

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“I hope this book will be read carefully and discussed widely because the profound issues it raises demand consideration at all levels. Every devotee has a real stake in the matter.”
– Professor Kim Knott, Head of Religious Studies, Leeds University, UK

The Final Order by Krishnakant Desai has been perhaps the most influential post-1977 publication in the Vaisnava world.”
– HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami, ISKCON guru

The Final Order (the “rtvik Bible”)”
– HH Jayadvaita Swami, ISKCON guru
(The Final Order)
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(A Végső Utasítás)
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(ది ఫైనల్ ఆర్డర్)
(De Laatste Instructie)
(L’Ordine Finale)
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(La Dernière Directive)
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(A Ordem Final)
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Click here to get The Final Order FREE as an E-book!

Other IRM Position Papers

The ‘No Change’ in ISKCON Paradigm
Srila Prabhupada’s blueprint for ISKCON; pdf

The Sastric Basis for Srila Prabhupada’s Continued Diksa Status; pdf
The False Dawn of Guru Reform
(Submitted to the American Family Foundation)
A response to ‘Cleaning House and Cleaning Hearts’ (Ravindra Svarupa Das, 1994); pdf

Popular Topics

Challengers to the IRM Defeated:


The Official IRM – GBC Debate


Read the official debate between the IRM and the GBC organised by Martin Luther University, Germany, which was published by them in the book:

“The Rival Positions in the IRM-GBC Controversy within ISKCON”

(IRM = ISKCON Revival Movement; GBC = Governing Body Commission)

Replies to GBC Papers
Prabhupada’s Order pdf Disciple of My Disciple pdf Undefeated After a Quarter of a Century
IRM – GBC debate ‘Disciple of My Disciple’ Video 100 Deviations of Ritvikism
Replies to Gurus* & GBCs
Replies to Guru Hoax Supporters
Replies to Gaudiya Matha

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100 Deviations

The Life and Teachings of
HH Sivarama Swami

This book exposes a lifetime of philosophical deviations by someone I used to regard as being a bona fide guru. It has opened my eyes. Shocking.”

– Former disciple of Sivarama Swami

“For years I never questioned what
my ‘Guru Maharaja’ Sivarama Swami said, because I thought whatever he spoke was coming directly from Krishna. After reading this book, I now know that I was cheated. I urge all his disciples to read '100 Deviations' and learn the truth.”

– Former disciple of Sivarama Swami

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BTP Issue 80 - Available Now!

GBC's Stunning Cover-up Revealed

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The Book Changer

The Life and Teachings of His Holiness Jayadvaita Swami

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ISKCON Leaders Special Issue

Hare Krishna guru hoax revealed
by the guru hoaxers themselves!
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The Founder-Acarya of ISKCON

Presenting the conclusions of the GBC Foundational Document

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100 Contradictions

The Life and Teachings of
HH Bhakti Charu Swami

This book will be devastating for Maharaja and anyone who respects him. It must be kept hidden at all costs.”

– Current disciple of Bhakti Charu Swami

“I am shocked at what I have read there. This book must be made compulsory reading for anyone thinking of accepting an ISKCON guru.”

– Formerly aspiring disciple of
Bhakti Charu Swami

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BTP Special Summary Issue

Hare Krishna guru hoax revealed

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The Authorised Bhagavatam

Proves Srila Prabhupada never ordered others to complete his Bhagavatam

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Click here to read the full book.

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What is the IRM?

The IRM is a body composed of ISKCON devotees from all over the world who want to see the Society put back on track, in line with the directives of its Founder, Srila Prabhupada. Read the FAQ.



The authorised summary of the life and teachings of His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Click Here to Read

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